Gold Pass

Voir la vidéo

Thanks to this pass, you will attend the entire international congress on the origins of hypnosis from 12th of september to 14th of september 2020.

Included with this pass:

- a pre or post congress course. To define which course you want to attend, once you have validated your order, message us on 00 33 7 54 44 38 45

- evening events


If you wish to proceed with the purchase, please log in or register before on the site.








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Gold pass details

Attend the congress with a premium seat.

Priority 1 to be selected for demonstrations according to compatibility.

A pre- or post-congress course is included, to be agreed with the organizers and subject to remaining places when choosing.

Evening events that will take place during the conference are included.

Evening events which will take place on pre-congress and post-congress evenings are included.

80% discount on the digital pass to see and review the availability of images and sounds for 6 months of extracts.

50% discount on pre-congress and post-congress courses.

10% discount on other courses to be held in 2020.

10% discount on goodies.

50% discount on Mitishamba programs for 3 months for any subscription before October 2020.

Prices are all tax included